Holy Cross -
The Church is more than just a church

In 2009 we opened the doors into our beautiful Holy Cross Church, thanks to the prayer, commitment, sacrifice and sheer hard work of many members of the community, who helped in so many ways to bring the dream into reality, whether by small or large donations, sharing of skills and knowledge, prayers and moral support.

Today, the Holy Cross community is so active, that the church building itself no longer caters for all the activities that take place every weekday and every Sunday – every Sunday after Mass for example, there is a Catechism group in each corner of the church, and others upstairs too. And on some Sundays, other groups meet. So you can imagine how difficult it is! One group is trying to pray the rosary, another is singing a rousing chorus, and yet a third is having fun painting shapes and pictures.

While that is all well and good, our children need to be able to concentrate and listen to the quiet sometimes, to meditate in silence, to hear the still small voice of calm, as the hymn tells it.

For this reason, the derelict classrooms behind the car park area have been made available to the community, but they need to be renovated.

This is our current building project.

We have a three month deadline to getting the work underway! It requires a considerable sum of money, but the effect will be stunning! Our children will have a place to be noisy without disturbing others, or to be quiet without being distracted. And our many groups will be able to meet freely and without concern for disturbing others.

Are you one of our community who enjoys the peace and holiness that a quiet time in the church brings? Or maybe you were once living in Maputo and were part of the community in the past? Do you have children who attend catechism? Are you a member of one of our groups?

If so, you will know how important it is for the community that these classrooms can be used. Regular updates on the building project are given at Mass on Sundays, and information is available from any member of the Council. Thank you for your prayers and your support.

And look out for the photos of the transformation!!







THIS TOO......

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