The true face of the Catholic Church,
said Pope John XIII, started in Dublin, Ireland on September 7th
1921. A group of Catholics came
together on the eve of the feast of the Virgin Mary’s nativity,
anxious to offer anything possible in
love to her and for her, not knowing. that they were beginning the first
meeting of the Legion, which sprang up spontaneously, and today is active
the world over.
They were Frank Duff, who became the
leader, Rev Father Michael Toher, of the Archdiocese of Dublin and some
women, seated round an altar, a table covered with a white cloth, on which
stood a statue of the Immaculate
Conception flanked by two flower vases and two candlesticks with lighted
candles; a little to the right of the statue and a little in advance of it
stand the Vexillum, called the Legion stand, designed to signify the Holy
Spirit in the form of a Dove descending on Mary and Mary to the Word (Jesus
conceived by the Holy Spirit descended on Mary again, and her offerings will
crush the head of the serpent). And this is still the setting for
Legion of Mary meetings all over the
world today.
***The Holy Cross Community, like
most Catholic churches throughout the world, is not left behind
in the apostolic responsibility
presented by the Legion of Mary. Our Immaculate Heart of Mary Praesidium
began three years ago here in Holy Cross Community affliated
to the Mother Curia., Our Lady Mother of Our Saviour of Munhana.
Today we have two senior active Praesidia meeting every Tuesday at 18 hours,
and the Auxiliary Meeting on the last Sunday of every month, after morning
Mass. The senior praesidium also undertakes an apostolic work every week,
such as home to home visitations and hospital visitations.
These Legion of Mary activities are
all open to all catholics who have received their First Holy Communion – the
juniors are allowed even if they have not yet received first holy communion.
Join us in this mandate of crushing
the head of the serpent, to lead us to Jesus, through the perfect Mother’s love of Mary.
We appeal to parents to allow their children after Mass to attend Junior or Intermediate Legion of Mary every Sunday; it will help to give them direction in today’s world of corruption. The Bible requests us to increase in the things of the Spirit rather than otherwise.
And the sacrifice is worth
any inconvenience!.
Br Lawrence 82 8270116
Sr Bridgette 82 7774544