Baptism: Infants'
Baptism is administered according to need. Adult Baptism follows the normal
Process of Christian Initiation.
Reconciliation: The
Sacrament of Reconciliation is available 30 minutes before mass every Sunday
and on request.
First Holy Communion:
Every year, mature and prepared children of at least 7 years of age, receive
their First Holy Communion.
Children aged 14 years and above are given
training and prepared during regular catechism classes. They receive the
Holy Spirit during the Sacrament of Confirmation and willingly accept to be
the 'Soldiers of Christ'. Even the young adults who have not yet been
confirmed will be joning the group with extensive preparation.
Every year, marriage preparatory course is
conducted. The course has 8 topics, corresponding to 8 sessions, each
session lasting for approximately 90 minutes. The marriage course is
obligatory for all those intending to marry in the Church.